689,326 people live in BOSTON, where the median age is 33.9 and the average individual income is $46,843.44. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Welcome to the heart of New England, where historic charm, cultural diversity, and vibrant communities converge. In this Boston Neighborhood Guide, we embark on a journey through four distinctive neighborhoods that form the city's rich history and contemporary allure. From the lush greenery of Jamaica Plain to the cobblestone streets of the South End, the vibrancy of West Roxbury, and the architectural grandeur of Back Bay, these neighborhoods showcase the dynamic character of Boston.

Whether you're a local seeking hidden gems or a visitor looking for a true Boston experience, this guide will introduce you to the unique spirit of Jamaica Plain, the South End, West Roxbury, and Back Bay, inviting you to explore the treasures that make each of them special. So, lace up your walking shoes, grab your T-pass, and let's dive into the distinctive favorites of these Boston neighborhoods.